Winter Update 2018 - Roots Community School

(Written by parent volunteer, Kelsey Harold)

It’s hard to believe we are more than half way through the school year, time really does fly when you’re having fun!  Roots students happily continue to plug away at their studies and have made milestones in all subjects.  These little eager learners have shown passion and determination in continuing to grow and expand their blossoming minds and hearts.  They take great care in treating each other with respect, empathy, and kindness.

Field Trips!

Roots kids have enjoyed outings to the local library for Native American Tribe research and for casual browsing.  A visit to the local museum was interesting for the kids to learn of early life in this area and a visit to Local Myth provided an opportunity to do some math with the pizzas and of course enjoy some homemade local pizza topped to their own liking. Bear Foods so kindly invited students to come in and learn about healthy food choices, watch how the delicious crepes are created, and sample after watching.  We are so grateful to these local businesses for opening their doors to the school – a big thank you to our local library, Local Myth, and Bear Foods!  Students have just started swim lessons in Wenatchee that will continue for about the next month.

Readers Workshop

Our Seedlings (1st and 2nd graders) have been working on choosing “just right” books to read on their own.  Miss Rachel guides them to choose books that they can read fairly well independently.  They have weekly goals set to read a certain number of books from “just right” bins – reading to themselves and then practicing reading aloud with teachers.  Once they have a fairly strong handle at that level, they move up.  The rest of the students have been working on “building a reading life.”  They have each made reading goals and have discussed reading just the right level books – reading about 3/4 a page per minute.  This prevents “starting many books, and finishing few.”  They are learning how to truly begin to enjoy reading – finding series and or new authors that they love and not boring themselves by reading monotone in their heads.

Student Ownership of Learning & Behaviors

Roots students have “to-do” booklets where they are writing weekly to do lists for reading, writing, math, and personal goals and are working towards daily review of these lists.  The kids have each been assigned “jobs” to help with clean up as the school day comes to a close and work together to keep their new classroom tidy and organized.

Invent Washington

Students, parents, and teachers are headed to Spokane at the end of March for Invent Washington.  It has been exciting to watch their wheels turn as students develop drawings and explanations for their inventions.  They are researching to be sure their inventions are one of a kind.  Lots of creativity in this group, this will be a fun event!

New Neighbors!

We are excited to announce as the construction upstairs is nearly complete, that Room to Bloom Preschool will be moving upstairs within the next month!  What a joy it will be to have even more vibrant little humans in the building!  As Roots students already benefit from a multiage classroom, adding this young bunch will only add to that.  Welcome Room to Bloom Preschool!

Quality Work Night / K-2 Enrollment Information

Save the date for Monday, March 19th 2018 from 6-7pm.  Students have been working away on finishing up their salmon alphabet books that they started at the beginning of the year.  Their ability to write mature and beautiful sentences has grown and they are ready to shown it all off!  Join us to see what else students have been learning and creating.  This would also be a great opportunity to check out the school and gather any information for enrollment.  We still have just a few openings in grades K-2, now is the time to act if you are interested!  You can also contact Rachel Robison to schedule a school visit and get more information.


Spring 2018 Update - Roots Community School


January 2018 Update - Roots Community School